Happy June everyone! I love June. School is out, it's not too hot outside, the child to parent ratio goes down to 2:1 for the most part :).
Some of you know Ellie was sick for two straight weeks! It all started the same time as Julia's head injury and I'm so relieved to say she's finally herself again. Here are how the days went last week.
Ellie slept until about 11:00 every morning for 3 or 4 days. Nothing could wake her and trying to get her to take a sip of water was a joke. So when she did wake up I would make her a little palate in our bedroom and have a tray of food there with us. She would barely open her mouth for a few bites of oatmeal and reluctantly agree to drink a little water.
Then after about 30 minutes, this would happen.
And she would crrrrryyyyy if I tried to leave. The whole process started over again and she would grab onto my arm as she dozed off. Notice the change of clothes the next day.
It was lunch time so I did leave to make food for the other children, who by the way were becoming symptomatic themselves. The afghan of Ellie's home hospital bed was made with love by the mother of the original Eleanor of the family :).
Here we are later in the week with some visitors. As you can see, Xavier is all wrapped up in his quilt that never left his side. He had a high fever, cough and chills. But being an 8 year old boy he tried to participate in family activities as much as possible.
Ellie on the other hand did what we all want to do. You know how when you are sick and you push yourself to go to work, do your chores, run your errands, etc.? You have to! Ellie listened to her body and followed her instincts. Tired, low appetite, didn't feel good. She doesn't fake anything! It was sweet to watch.
Speaking of sweet - here she is all better! So you know that we here at Holey Ellie are committed to bringing you up-to-date, current information - this is minutes ago behind where I sit with music blaring. She's feeling great, eating great and has her dance moves back.