Saturday, May 23, 2015

Holey May

Hi friends!

Since we've spoken last, we've had a few life events.  Some planned, some unplanned!

First, Xavier made his first communion followed by a lovely Mother's Day.  The kids got me some lotion and when Ellie sees me use it she points to her hand and makes a noise. I then give her a blob in her hand and she rubs it so cutely!

Xavier's quilt finally got finished and now Ellie likes to climb on his bed and read herself a book  .This day she was learning about our 50 states.

Here she is celebrating Memorial Day with fork and cup in hand.  The girl eats!  I would not have believed it 6 months ago if you told me how much of a good little eater she would become.  I have to say once again how grateful we are to not have to attend that program for feeding issues. I pray the families that do attend have success when they get finished. 

Trying a homemade croissant.  Yes there was alot of butter that went into the dough.  Yes it was sublime.  Yes I had four.

Then our little Julia just tripped and fell in the house yesterday evening.  She cut her forehead open pretty badly.  It was a definite trip to the ER so as we began gathering shoes, calling grandma and applying pressure, Ellie plopped herself right in the middle of all of it and began crying out of concern for Julia and being bothered by all the noise and intensity. The boys then lovingly took Ellie into their bedroom with them and tried to calm her down while we got Julia situated.  Three hours later she was all stitched up and today she's doing great.  Ellie was so happy to have Julia back at home and happy that her little bedtime routine was back in place tonight.

I guess you could say with Julia's gash in her head...she was Holey Julia for a day.  Let's hope we're all as Holy as we can be every day.