Thursday, January 9, 2014

Life out of the house with the four

January 2013 was a challenge.  We were inching closer to the surgery and we all had colds.  Fear set in on top of fatigue and life was just kind of upside down.

But a year later, I find  myself out running errands with the four and feeling somewhat normal. I wonder how long it will take for me to forget how all that felt to not have freedoms and abilities that I now possess again.  I ran four errands in about two hours and even though a large amount of gum and tic tacs were employed ("how many can we have now before the next stop?") - nothing was too terribly hard about it!

I still wouldn't choose to do it alot since I've gotten quite used to staying home during the day and dashing out when Jeff gets home.  But it's nice to know it's not too bad if I have to do it.  I'll just have to check the price of tic-tacs at Sam's.