Monday, February 11, 2013

Moving along

Good morning!  Ellie is doing great!  She is happy and calm and napping off and on, just like usual!

The night was not too restful - she didn't settle til late then before we knew it, we were being called to go down to the x-ray department around 4:00 a.m.  Jeff was a hero and escorted our girl.  Then when she got back she had another huge throw up.

The verdict this morning is the increase in volume of milk was too much for her.  Now we are back to where we were at home with that - she seems to be growing just fine with that, no need to change it.

But the team of surgeon, cardiologists and pulmonologist say she continues to look great.  The x-ray this morning showed that little wedge of closed lung is almost open - hooray!  If she keeps this up we could be home before we know it!  Home will be a delicate maintenance of her feeds, watching for infection, giving her plenty of rest and continuing all her medicines and oxygen until our one month check up back up here.

For now we just continue to be amazed how good she looks!  I'll put some pictures out later hopefully.

Take care and thanks again for all the prayers.  One of the Catholic nurses said this morning of the Pope's resigning that he was just worn out after Ellie's surgery.