Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Ellie's blog

Hello Ellie's friends,

This is Ellie's mom - the author of this blog that has brought you the highs and lows of our sweet girl's life since 2012.

This blog has been a sacred space over the past wonderful, beautiful seven years.  I get teared up when I go back and read about some of her hurdles and victories.  I have been posting less and less as time went on but then last fall my posting came to a stand-still.

Some of you are aware already that last fall, September 2018, I learned that I had a rare condition that made it hard for me to swallow.  It took months to figure out what was causing it and in January 2019 I had surgery to resolve it.  I became the patient in the house and Ellie was like a little nurse, very concerned about my bandage and scar after surgery.  She was very gentle with "Ma" as she calls me.  Here she is up in my lap only a day or two after the operation.  A hug from Ellie has healing powers!

I will have to have the other side of my neck operated on this summer but I am not worried about it at all because the first surgery went so well.

The irony of the past few months away from all of you has been the fact that I have discovered another blog-type website for people with the condition that I have.  It is an absolutely amazing resource for people trying to figure out what is wrong with their throats and search for a physician who is skilled in performing the delicate operation.  I have benefited so much from the site that I have now become somewhat of a moderator on there for others. I post things daily about my own experience and answer questions from others from all over the world!

I suppose I've realized (after being in denial) that the time I spend writing on this precious blog for Ellie has been replaced with time spent helping others on another forum.  As much as I miss writing about Ellie's sweet little life, I'm grateful that the Lord is using me elsewhere.  The only word to describe how I feel about not posting on Holey Ellie anymore is "bittersweet".

Ellie is doing wonderfully well and thriving and happy and healthy and strong and sweet and cute as ever and helpful and loving and...the adjectives are endless :).  This blog will remain active and open and who knows - there may come a time when I need to start putting information about her out there again.  That possibility makes me not want to cry right now.

I'd like to end by sort of "dedicating" this blog to someone.  As you know, Ellie's middle name is Louise after Jeff's beloved Aunt Louise.  Aunt Louise was/is Ellie's prayer warrior.  I can think of many phone calls, emails, notes and mass intentions from her during Ellie's scary days. It will come as no surprise to you that she did the same for Ellie's Mommy before and after her surgery in January.  Aunt Louise is a special part of our family and will even be Jacob's confirmation sponsor in May.  We are very tied to our Aunt Louise and she was our most loyal reader of this blog.  Ok, tears are starting. I must close.  Lots of love to all of our readers.  Ellie thanks you for your love and support during her "holey" journey.

Aunt Louise and Ellie - December 2018 ❤