Sunday, May 21, 2017

Medical Stuff

About once a year or so we have to think about "medical stuff" with Ellie.  We used to think of this stuff all the time, every single day. But the frequency with which we think of her having certain conditions that go along with Down syndrome spreads out more and more with time.

But last week she had a check up and three things came out of it that I'd like to ask that you pray for. One is, it appears she's having some eye issues - one of her eyes crosses sometimes.  So we need to have that checked out. And the other two are screenings - bloodwork again and possibly another sleep study to rule out sleep apnea. Both of these last two things will present challenges so if you could please pray that all goes smoothly and both things are as uneventful as possible for Ellie. And that the outcomes are all good and she continues to do as well as she has.

Other than that, our girl is tall!  Taller than 90% of 5 year olds with Down syndrome!  She definitely gets that from Jeff.

Thank you for your prayers, I'll update you in the future on all the results.