Sunday, November 1, 2015


 A general belief is that going to mass (or any religious service) is not about what you get, it's what you give.  But from time to time there is a mass where you just connect on every level - the readings, the homily, the songs.  Mostly it depends on what's going on in your life.  Clearly God uses going to church as a way to bring you into his presence.  Today's mass was especially powerful for two reasons.

One reason was the gospel assigned to this Sunday.  Second was the fact that it was "All Saints" Day where we celebrate the holy people that lived holy lives (or not so holy, then turned holy) and have gone on to heaven before us.

For the gospel, it was the Beatitudes.  As the words were read I could relate to two parts.  Over the past few months there was some worrying and some searching. I guess you could say I've hungered and thirsted for righteousness and am now satisfied. I've mourned and am now comforted.

And Father quoted St. Catherine of Sienna who said "Becoming who you are meant to be will set the earth on fire."  It made me think of doing all these things for Ellie, going to all these places, filling out all these forms has been all geared toward helping her reach the full potential of who she is.  Helping her in the ways she needs sets my hearts on fire with love for her!!!