Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Birthday and Haircuts!

A surprise post mid-week!  As Ellie's agent, I could not wait a whole week to release her new haircut!

There is a precious barber shop here in town that offers free haircuts to kids on their birthday (a fact I discovered when dashing home from a 2-week hospital admission for Jacob's birthday in 2012).  So today we went for a haircut for Ms. Julia - 5 years old today!  The people there were soooo nice, they cut all the kids hair for free!!!!  We arm wrestled about a generous tip (I won) and they kids all came away looking so good!

Without further hesitation - here is Eleanor Louise sporting her bob:

"Here's the side."

"Here's the back."

"I think it makes me look 2 months younger."

"Hey, it's Julia's birthday!"

The photo came out blury but you can see all the haircuts and all the smiles!

Julia got a cute shirt that said "Best Sis". When we told her what it said she said "I do have the best sister, Ellie."

Julia's favorite stuffed animal - a cow named "Moo Jersey" from their Aunt Louise of The Garden State.  Moo Jersey got a quilt for a present for Julia's birthday. 

Happy Birthday Julia and Moo Jersey!!!