Sunday, October 26, 2014


Our girl has been busy this week!  Heart check-up here, trip to Atlanta there...and then she's got a swallow study by x-ray and Halloween coming up later this week - where does she find the time?!

Here she is at our local heart clinic getting an ultrasound - she still gets two a year for now.  Great news - she looked great!  The thing that's supposed to happen after heart surgery is happening!

Ellie's happy about that news!

Getting ready to get hooked up to wires!!!

Waiting between tests, no need to get fully dressed again.  Just her little shawl will do :).  (historical note which may need correcting/editing: Shawl made by the original Eleanor's mother?)

 But the wait was a bit long so I let her down on the floor - my thought process is that we were the first appointment of the day.  How dirty could the floor be???

"Excuse me Doc, you comin'?"

 We played honk-Mommy's-nose for a minute when the wait got a little long.

Then her big test where she looked super!

Next up, a trip to Atlanta for a long-awaited visit to a special feeding clinic at the hospital.

Our appointment was early morning so this happened one exit before where we had to get off!

Ellie did great in the car!

Here we are at the visit - she showed them how she could put food in her mouth but not swallow it very well...then she showed them all her smiley faces! :)

By the time we left, Ellie was OUT!

She slept about halfway and was very happy to be home!

Both the feeding clinic and the parents are reviewing information as to whether this place could help Ellie and how/when that will all work out!

Grey Sweats

 The post is courtesy of Jacob who saw a photo opportunity and grabbed the camera!  I stole some sunshine with Ellie on the floor and Jacob said "you look like twins"!  The weather is indeed shifting so here we are soaking up some sun in our sweats together.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Hospital Facebook

Ellie is on the hospital's Facebook page!

Take a look, Like it, post, share, do whatever it is that you facebookers do!  I had to post a comment under an alias since I don't actually have a Facebook account!  But do give the hospital site some press and attention!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Birthday and Haircuts!

A surprise post mid-week!  As Ellie's agent, I could not wait a whole week to release her new haircut!

There is a precious barber shop here in town that offers free haircuts to kids on their birthday (a fact I discovered when dashing home from a 2-week hospital admission for Jacob's birthday in 2012).  So today we went for a haircut for Ms. Julia - 5 years old today!  The people there were soooo nice, they cut all the kids hair for free!!!!  We arm wrestled about a generous tip (I won) and they kids all came away looking so good!

Without further hesitation - here is Eleanor Louise sporting her bob:

"Here's the side."

"Here's the back."

"I think it makes me look 2 months younger."

"Hey, it's Julia's birthday!"

The photo came out blury but you can see all the haircuts and all the smiles!

Julia got a cute shirt that said "Best Sis". When we told her what it said she said "I do have the best sister, Ellie."

Julia's favorite stuffed animal - a cow named "Moo Jersey" from their Aunt Louise of The Garden State.  Moo Jersey got a quilt for a present for Julia's birthday. 

Happy Birthday Julia and Moo Jersey!!!