Monday, May 12, 2014

Look what I can do!

This week, I was a photographer on a wild safari our house.  I was trying to capture the rare breed of the "climbing/standing Ellie".  Here as you can see, I managed to catch a few shots of her in her natural habitat.

First, we have some kind of yoga pose she's been developing.  In this comparison, you can see she's really working on her form.

Then we have the "knock over the plastic kitchen, pull up to standing position and climb on top of it" move.  This one surprised me, I have to say.  I didn't even know she could do this!!!

As the sun rises, she gets her energy for her next feat...

which is, "climbing on closed toy bin".

"Ta Da!!!"

Now back to a toy being used for it's purpose - a happy Ellie is starting to pull up and build those leg muscles!