Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Something else to celebrate today other than our girl's health.

After looking and looking online for a bathtub I was determined to get for Ellie, we finally got it!  (thanks for your help Colleen!)

It was a bathtub chair I'd seen years ago when Jacob was a baby. It sat up in the tub and the child sat in it just like a chair.  It was very simple.  But you had to be older to sit in it so we got the ones that take up the whole tub.  Here is Ellie at one month old in her giant bouncy seat bathtub.
Unfortunately, this bath tub seat I speak of is discontinued due to a safety recall.  Now before you go forming too many opinions about our judgment skills, sometimes those recalls just don't matter for what you're trying to do.  I wanted a bath Ellie could be supported in since she does not sit yet so she could join the other kids without taking up the entire tub!  So after refusing to pay high dollar for one on ebay, we actually found a local one on craigslist!  The phone number turned out to be a thrift store in Atlanta 10 minutes from the hospital!  We had it held for us and Jeff drove there while I pushed Ellie through the halls from one appointment to the next.

What we came home with (after bleaching and scrubbing and checking screws) caused much excietment in the house among our four.

Four clean children are now sleeping...and all in good health.