Saturday, June 15, 2013

Simple week


We've had a simple week here at our house - praise God!  Some visitors, some chores, some errands.  All great stuff!!

In fact I found myself the other day cleaning out the school corner and deciding to tear each and every sheet of paper off the pads and pads of construction paper we have.  The art of breaking the page from the glue strip without tearing the sheet is too complicated for 75% of our students here at our school and the coping skills required to deal with the catastrophe are severely lacking.  So to do a task like that makes me feel somewhat "balanced".  Having a husband home for the summer will do that to a mom.

Here are our golfers heading out.  Ellie stayed home with me.
Ellie's doing very well.  She's still not eating by mouth and to tell the truth on any given day she still can throw up a couple times.  We're picking up some new food this week for her so pray that goes well.  Our most wonderful nurse is working long shifts so Ellie gets amazing care on those days.  Multiple baths if needed, food given with careful attention, medical issues checked including her feeding tube leaking a little food out of her incision site made for the tube itself in her stomach.  Yeah not what you want.  

But here she is saying her prayers before she falls asleep for a nap. 

Letting the sun rise on us in the playroom.