Saturday, March 2, 2013

A little more

Had to jump up from the previous post because Ellie started making her gagging noise.  She's not done it nearrrrly as much as she did before the surgery, praise God!  But she had not moved her bowels since Monday so we were really watching that.  All the drugs she's on to keep her lungs dry cause constipation and she already struggles with low muscle tone.  Anyway, I got to her in time to cover us both with a towel before she vomited several times while working up the strength to push.  I then emptied her stomach of the milk she'd just taken in and she was able to comfortably go potty.  I then got her all cleaned up and situated and I thought I'd share a picture or two.

Her strips covering her little scar have almost all fallen off!  They are there to protect it and keep the stitches nice and strong but they do fall off in the weeks following surgery.  She only has two more at the bottom - thought you might want to see.  Sweet little face.

Now she's happily talking in the swing and I'm hoping she'll sleep off and on today like she usually does. One day this week she didn't sleep at all during the day - just some 10 minute little cat naps. There will be more golf on today so she should be all set for catching some zzzzzz's :).