Friday, February 22, 2013

I've got Dibs

Ellie ended up with a box of these in her hands last night.  We have no idea how she got them.  Anyway, she was entertained for quite some time.
What is this I have? 
Wait, was there chocolate in here? 
Feels cold, did it involve ice cream too? 
I'm thinking... 
Could I open the lid? 
Put it to my ear and hear the sweet sounds of chocolate? 
Flip it over? 
Enough!  I must remember it's Lent and I gave up sweets!  Be strong, Ellie!   
I'll just cuddle with my Mommy instead. 
And spend time with Daddy - and guess what?  A new milestone - I laughed today!!!  It was a cute little chuckle after a tickle in my neck. 
Happy girl! 
Night night, I'm tired now!