Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Roller Coaster

I continue to be amazed at how "up and down" this ride can be. 

Yesterday Ellie cried all day, even when we held her - just cried and cried.  Someone else cried some too.  That person may or may not have mastered the skill of eating Oreos at the same time as crying. They get a little mushy but still taste good...so I'm told.

Today Ellie woke up (slept well last night) calm, happy and only had one major gagging episode which the nurse was here for so she was on top of it.  She fell asleep and I snuck the kids out to vote and let Jacob press the button for president while the others took turns pressing "next".  They loved it.  Probably illegal.

Anyway, then today a package came that really brought us smiles!  After we got home from the hospital in September, I couldn't resist writing a letter to Truett Cathy, founder of Chick-Fil-A.  I shared that Ellie had smiled (and laughed) while looking at their "spokescow" as I called it.  It was read and acknowledged with a delivery of a child-sized cow!  Ellie took her time getting to know it then smooched it a bit.  The girl knows good food when she sees it.  I feel inspired now to continue to be a "cow" for Ellie in my own special way.  It's her way of telling me she appreciates it.

And the best news - Ellie did not move from 2:00 when the nurse left until 6:30 when we were all done eating dinner (a meal that was given once again by a generous co-worker that allowed us to scoot out early for a swim lesson for the kids - very fun).  I am so thankful after four intense days.  Mostly we're just relieved she must be feeling better.  Her doctors were all happy to brainstorm and look at her tests again thoroughly but no changes were made.  Let's not forget Ellie's a baby and we all know they make us scratch our heads from time to time.  Everyone was happy to gather round the non-crying Ellie.

Mom sandwiched between the oldest and the youngest.