Ellie had her 6 month check-up today for shots. It was with her regular pediatrician here at home - and it was a pleasant experience! The desk staff, nurses, doctor and even other families could not stop saying how cute she was :) and one lady even emphatically kept saying over and over, "I love her, I love her"!!! It was an unusual experience for us - all good news...she looks great on the outside! Let's keep our fingers crossed the inside is looking better and better too.
It was just Ellie and Mommy and we had some good quality time together hugging and talking and comforting after shots. She's as tough as nails though, that girl! When we got home, she got a special treat - her first ever bath with her sister! I can't say who liked it more, Julia or Ellie :).
Plenty of fruit-flavored shampoo to go around. |
Ellie was so tuned into her. |
Julia loved washing Ellie's hair. |
All clean and getting some new tape for her beautiful face. |
Night night, hope you have a great weekend everyone! (that means you too Ellie girl!) |