Wednesday, November 28, 2012


How do you try not to have expectations for something that is out of your control but still manage to feel disappointed even though you told yourself you would not have expectations?  That sums up our day yesterday!

Although she's not by any means worse, we didn't get the news we'd hoped for that she's moving rapidly toward getting better enough for heart surgery.  She's pretty much the same that she was 6 weeks ago.

It was discussed that we may go ahead and have the surgery anyway despite her lungs not getting better.  That way at least her heart being fixed may improve her overall health and there is a window to jump in before she might start to get worse.  The problem with doing it before her lung pressures were better though is that post-operatively she could be very delicate and take longer to recover.  That's ok really, she's just very fragile and they will take their time getting her off the machines, etc.

She looks so good for now though that they are o.k. with letting us go until the middle of January for our next check up.  At that point we'll do alot of tests so they can approve her for surgery, if that's what the team decides.  The gagging she's doing is sort of undefined without a real worry.  They did think maybe a little milk protein allergy was making it worse, so no peppermint ice cream for mom this Christmas :).

So, for now she's doing great and the path may look a little different than we'd first thought but that has sort of been the way things have gone from the start!

The car ride up was rainy and Ellie was not happy some of the way but was calm most of the day.
No shortage of nice, understanding people at the hospital.
An "Ellie fan" thought having a tablet would make the hospital visits more bearable and she was right! A little distraction to pass the time waiting between check-in, blood draw, triage, ultrasound, appointments, etc. :)

Jeff and I competed with a little Scrabble.  We celebrated any time we could use enough brain cells to get a word other than "go, and, or to" :).
Ellie gets some attention from her favorite nurse. 

 She couldn't hold still - go girl!
The doctor did some lovely artwork for us explaining a few new terms - we didn't think there were new things to learn but there are!  This is a diagram of her heart, the holes, the vessels, the pressures, her on a time line, her reserve, the resistence she might start to develop to the meds, and the direction of her blood flow. 
Ellie studied it all and explained to us later that night that we are just going to have to wait and see how it all turns out.  Yes ma'am.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Picture day

Today our goal was to take as many pictures as our children would allow!  They were all pretty happy to cooperate!  Here are some samples.

The pictures of Ellie are in the same outfit Julia wore at 4 months or so at a studio.  We did a pretty good job recreating it at home - it will have to do!

Sweet angel - I love when she opens her eyes wide like this.

Then we had a heroic act of love by the children to sit for about 30 pictures taken of all of us.  There was one salvageable one that's not ready to release to the press quite yet so I'll leave you with this outtake.   
 Jacob went from sitting to slouching
Ellie is happy her mom pauses to straighten her oxygen
Jeff never really stopped smiling the whole time we took pictures
Julia catches something funny on t.v.
Xavier asked if we were done before we got started


Ellie's great-grandfather came from Kentucky to visit!

He serenaded us all with Christmas carols that made the children very happy!

White Christmas

Ellie singing in her dreams

while falling asleep looking at this.


We snuck in a little Chirstmas with our Thanksgiving over the weekend.  Ellie made a cute reindeer.

Thursday, November 22, 2012


SO much gratitude!!!

Ellie is having a wonderful day - she is so calm today!

But still, the prophesy of spending time on the couch has come true!  :)
Parade watching.

Parade listening.

Almost a smile!
(Yes that is an old-school turkey pin circa 1980.  Ellie's the first baby I've ever had that did not grab at it - kind of a plus.)


Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Our first Christmas ornament.

Ellie is holding the snowflake.  They say no two are ever alike.

Night before

It's the day BEFORE thanksgiving and guess what?  Our fridge is full of food!!!  Alot of love from alot of sweet Catholic women has us ready for tomorrow!

And it was a good thing I didn't plan on doing much - Ellie has fussed pretty much all day off and on.  Mostly stomach related - she's ok otherwise though. 

Looks like one of us will have an excuse to watch the parade with the kids from the couch all morning.  Sounds pretty good!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Jeff is home for a 5 day holiday break!  Yay!  We're looking forward to lots of time together just being with each other. 

These two days were very full - like we jammed 5 days into 2!  We had lots of loose ends to tie up with equipment, medicines and some new nurses interviewing to work with Ellie.  Always an interesting process. 

But it all got done.  Ellie even got her vaccine at home today for RSV.  She's not sleeping long stretches like she usually does so she's awake alot more.  Hard to tell if that's an age thing or if she's uncomfortable because she's been a little fussy each time she wakes up.  More time we get to hold her!

Sunday, November 18, 2012


Ellie went on a trip tonight!

10 yards from her corner she travelled to the "Land of Siblings". :)

Jacob and Xavier wanted her on a bed so they could each kneel on the floor on opposite sides of her and keep score how many times she rolled to their side.  It was 3-0 Jacob.

Julia wanted her in her crib and asked if she could "stay all night".

She doesn't travel lightly but I think she enjoyed her trip.


Ellie is starting to purposely grab at things...starting with faces.  More specifically - noses.

Saturday, November 17, 2012


Happy weekend everyone!

Ellie is in her warm home with warm (crosssed) :) feet...

holding her tube of warm milk!

"Maybe if I pull on it, more will come that way."

"Bring on the good stuff!" 

"Ahhhh, now I'm full."

"Time for a nap now."

Who needs museums when your kids create them at home? :)

Gotta be quick

Sometimes if you think she's awake - like you start to change her diaper then get distracted - you come back to this.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Rolling along

Ellie's corner of the world.  She rolls to both sides now!

Jacob and Ellie.

We're doing well here - thankfully some board games have provided excitement this week for staying home all day every day!  And Ellie sleeps through most of it comfortably from her corner :).


Jeff with Jacob 2004.

Jeff with Ellie 2012.

Monday, November 12, 2012


Ellie kept the nurse busy today!  The weekend was full of brainstorms by us and we rolled it all out this morning.  We have a great relationship with the nurses and they insist on making us feel like they work for us.  So, new places for equipment, some home deliveries came, some new cleaning routines, etc. all got us a little more efficient with caring for Ellie.  She also is requiring some more calories since she's growing!  So we adjusted the fortifier we add to the milk.  She did have two big episodes this morning of gagging - one was after some practice with oatmeal.  Doesn't she know how much her momma loves oatmeal and requires each of her children to eat it?!  :)  In time...

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Opposite weekend

Ellie has had the complete opposite disposition this weekend than last!  Thank you Lord!  She is doing great, sleeping and cooing and relaxing.  What a relief - she really stumped us those few days!  Sometimes her medical team in Atlanta checks in to see how she is doing, so "Hi ya'll, she's doing great"!  This is practically live Ellie-cam moments ago :).
Oh and just for fun - this is why you need to stop putting the correct number of candles on your cake when you get to a "certain" age.  Xavier was honestly concerned the thing was going to go up in flames - as evidenced by his face as well as his spoken words he shared later that evening.  Happy Birthday to the best Daddy Ellie could ever have.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Good doctor visit

Ellie had her 6 month check-up today for shots.  It was with her regular pediatrician here at home - and it was a pleasant experience!  The desk staff, nurses, doctor and even other families could not stop saying how cute she was :) and one lady even emphatically kept saying over and over, "I love her, I love her"!!!  It was an unusual experience for us - all good news...she looks great on the outside!  Let's keep our fingers crossed the inside is looking better and better too.

It was just Ellie and Mommy and we had some good quality time together hugging and talking and comforting after shots.  She's as tough as nails though, that girl!  When we got home, she got a special treat - her first ever bath with her sister!  I can't say who liked it more, Julia or Ellie :).
Plenty of fruit-flavored shampoo to go around.

Ellie was so tuned into her.

Julia loved washing Ellie's hair.

All clean and getting some new tape for her beautiful face.

Night night, hope you have a great weekend everyone! (that means you too Ellie girl!)