Monday, October 8, 2012


Jacob took this picture of me this afternoon cradling Ellie to try to get her to stop fussing.  Since we've been home two weeks now she's had some digestive issues and this weekend she really struggled.  So we had tried to avoid giving her some "help" but today Jeff came home with some important items. 
A soda for my sister's birthday tomorrow (we've started a loose "tradition" of letting the kids have a few sips of a soda at birthday parties - they absolutely love it) - my sister is the one that suggested this one - the ingredients are not too bad!  So far root beer is Jacob's favorite.  Julia said "it's too spicy".

A meal from work for a very frazzled mom to not have to cook.

The last two items is one of those scenarios where something that helps Ellie also has a negative impact on her.  So one thing is to help her grow and the other is to help her go.