Ellie had a routine doctor's visit today as a formality from being discharged two weeks ago - so it wasn't like a thorough visit, just looking her over. They said she looks good so that's music to our ears! She had blood drawn too - at the hospital. The days of trying to get blood at the house are over, at least for now. It never did work out and the last time we tried was really hard to watch. The numbers were all good though so she's balancing her fluids well.
Anyway, moving forward we are waiting for October 16th when we'll go back to Atlanta to see her pulmonologist and cardiologist for an appointment up there. There she'll have a very important echocardiogram (ultrasound) on her chest to see how her lungs are doing. She could either need more drugs (pray not please!) or she could begin her journey of being stable enough for heart surgery. Of course we've learned, there's always some path that we weren't expecting that jumps out at us when we think we know all the options! But we think we'll be talking about one of those two options on our drive home that afternoon.