Sleep - it happened! All three of us slept, alot! Ellie is a great sleeper. Bless her heart - she does not ask for much and has never needed alot of soothing nor developed alot of sleep associations. Except patting - she loves to be patted. So, no fever, no fussiness, no huge poops messing up her thigh wound dressings. Just sleep! Even the nurses seemed to have on ballet slippers all night :).
So this morning we're waiting for surgery to work her in. Her vitals are good and she's looking great to go back under, it's just a matter of scheduling. So in the meantime, we are enjoying sitting on our surfboard waiting for the next wave.
St. Luke the Evangelist (physician), pray for us.
UPDATE: We had a visit from the surgery team, signed some papers and are on the schedule for tomorrow. No definite time yet, but Ellie is scheduled for her nissen fundoplication tomorrow. Click here to read more about this exciting nissen procedure, but maybe not while eating.